

Online based testing can be performed after going through versatile examples of testing. This implies that the framework will adjust as per the example of reactions for the students not studying. This component is basically considering that each paper is one of a kind and no questions are rehashed. You can test the applicants without having to physically screen which competitor got which set. Similar tests, when directed utilizing pen and paper organize turns out to be excessively convoluted.

Online testing can cover immense assets and incorporate numerous references. Numerous levels and diverse inquiry writes can likewise be surrounded. You can run activity and have understudies put their perception on the same. This when done disconnected, would squander paper and farthest point the quantity of assets that can be used.

Selection tests occur on a mass level. Web based testing permits more prominent adaptability in timing and planning the test. For instance, GMAT applicants are permitted to take the exam at the season of their looking over a position of their accommodation. This implies upgraded reach and more cooperation from understudies. Understudies would not need to move to various urban communities to show up for the tests.

On the organization side, internet testing frameworks or PC based tests make writing, conveying, assessing, and evaluating a speedy procedure. Aside from following a green figuring methodology, the framework effortlessly scales here and there to deal with expanding or diminishing test taker movement. Understudies stretch out beyond time and have the alternative to choose from a rundown of schools.


What are the advantages of Online Exam in colleges?

The advantages of online exams are:-

  • Result of the answers will be given much quicker.
  • There is a reduction of mail and the cost of the papers.
  • There will be increase in student motivation because there will be different sets given to each of the student and they can’t cheat.
  • During evaluating the papers sometimes teachers makes some mistakes but during online checking that will be reduced.
  • It will also reduce the effort of the teachers.
  • It is more flexible than the previous methods.
  • The declaration of result can be done right  after finishing of examination by  the students.

What are the disadvantages of online exam in colleges?

The disadvantages are:-

  • Many computers are required for the examination.
  • Cost will be high.


What will happen if one computer does not work and can that student give the exam?

Yes definitely that student can give exam. If his machine does not work, immediate actions will be taken and an alternative way will be provided

What will happen if the machine does not function during the allotted time of the examination?

A separate room will be given to the student so that the individual can’t communicate with anyone and separate time allotment will be given to him.

Is there will be any unique constraints given to every student?

Yes roll number of the student and password will be done to each of the machines separately.

What will happen if one student give the password to another student for giving his/her examination?

The concerned authority will check the finger prints of each and every students and will match with their previous fingerprints.

What are the punishments for cheating?

The student who will he held accountable for cheating will not be allowed to furnish exams for a year  

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